Talent-R places you
at the center of our

you dream about

Get the job

Our method is based on a strong understanding of your needs and expectations by our specialized Managers. Thus, our Team can advise and coach you along your Career.

Human dimension is fundamental for us, we hope to see you soon joining our community.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación

1. Contact

First, we must get in touch.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación-talent-r

2. Understand

Analyze your technical and functional profile.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación-talent-r

3. Coaching

Define the Career plan optimize CV & visibility on social network.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación-talent-r

4. Presentation

Present and select the best opportunities in the market.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación-talent-r

5. Follow Up

ITW preparation - debriefing - negotiation and decision.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación-talent-r

6. Onboarding

We keep in touch during the onboarding period.

Agence de recrutement-Agence de sélection-employment agency-recruitment agency-Head Hunting-Executive search- Human resources agency-Hiring developer-recruit developer-recruit software engineer-Recruitment platform Barcelona-recruit QA-recruit Devops-find software engineer-contratación ingenieros-agencia de reclutamiento-selección de personal-IT recruitment-recruitment agency-contratar ingeniero de software-contratar desarrollador-contratar programador-Consultoría de selección de personal-Headhunting-proveedor de RRHH-Agencia de recursos humanos-selección de profesionales-búsqueda y selección especializada-plataforma de contratación-talent-r

7. Join the community

You are part of the family.

People oriented

Everyone is unique

Deep understanding of the candidates’ aspirations and personality, beyond pure technical competences, to maximize the personal fit with the company culture and values.

Our team will always be giving coaching & advise you in the most transparent way about the market, our goal: find your dreamed job !


Your talent is your first value

Our team knows your profile, your sector, and therefore they can give you several opportunities in the spot-
on companies fitting your needs and personal values.

Every Talent-r’s manager is specialized on his technological stack & will be able to present you several candidates among his network.

We are organized by areas of specialization with dedicated Managers. We strongly believe it is the key to your success to be in contact with an expert having a deep knowledge of your sector and the
opportunities of your market.


Trust is not a option

We guarantee a transparent communication with you, always stating the name of the client &  conditions, giving honest and constructive feedback.

Think outside the box.